Set in a present-day rural heartland, Lassanwala is the tale of Kallu Bahman, a sixty -year old Brahmin garlic-seller whose family has been growing garlic for three generations in their small patch of land. The play traces the tragic-comic events that occur in his life that shake his firm belief in the caste system which has defined a major part of his existence.
Himanshu Talreja
Kallu Bahman
Namya Saxena
Ved Prakash
Hemant Pandey
Parth Zutshi
Mata Prasad Pandey
Alok Kumar
Ankita Dubey
Amarjeet Singh
Doctor Chagoli/Mama
Shivam Gupta
Havaldar Tripathi
Shashi Ranjan
SHO Shahid Khan
Anadi Ravi Nagar
Music Design and Harmonium
Bhavesh Mohan Joshi
Pranat Joshi
Namya Saxena
Costume Design
Ambika Chandra
Production Head
Shivam Gupta
Production Assistant
Jaydeep Apte
Light Design and Execution
Vidit Tripathi
Hemant Pandey
Lassanwala is a kaleidoscope of the memories of my growing up years on the outskirts of Bareilly. Vidit Tripathi, my partner in crime, saw the scope of fiction around my scattered but real experiences. He took on the arduous task of writing a script that would be impetus enough, to assemble a group of people who’d pull out time from their busy schedules to create something from scratch. Vidit and I always wanted to explore the local folk music of western Uttar Pradesh in a play and here was my opportunity. We were hugely influenced by the teachings and songs of Sant Kabir Das ji and have borrowed heavily from him in essence and soul. This production would not have been possible without the dedication and commitment of the team. The lapses and imperfections are entirely mine and the merits are courtesy the team.