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"> META Perspectives: The Artiste – The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari - Mahindra Excellence in Theatre Awards
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Plays 2025


META Perspectives: The Artiste – The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari

Gaining an insight of theatre and META from the viewpoint of Purav Goswami, an actor, performing in The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari.

1. What is your backstage routine before a performance?
A. Most of the time, we spend our time preparing for the day, getting objects ready. There is a lot of work to be done backstage before the show. Right before the show , like a couple of hours before the show we get ready . And then we get done with the preparations.

2. What does META mean to you?
A. For me it is an opportunity to showcase this play. It is visibility for the play and for the people involved. It is good exposure.

3.What are you looking forward at META this year?
A. Everyone is looking forward to the dinner of Taj. (laughs) Just looking forward to putting up a good show.

4. What is the message you have for the upcoming actors and directors in theatre?
A. I myself am an upcoming actor. I think this is a question that people should answer more than any of us. We are actually mostly students and we have all graduated from Ambedkar University. Most of us are actually working through theatre arts, performance arts and lots of people who are interested in different things. So, Performance Studies collective is group of people who are trying to find new ways of exploring theatre and any form of performance arts.

5. Have you had any memorable experience with any Fan/audience during your performances?
A. We ask if anyone from the audience wants to ask any question to one of the characters on stage. This one time someone stood up and asked someone the question which had never happened before. So that was something I remember.

6. What affect does your play have on your audience?
A. It is a psychological thriller. The effect on the audience should be that they understand the characters and the pain of a broken marriages.

Watch the META plays from 6th-10th March! Click here to book tickets.

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