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Plays 2025


Laughter all the way with Piya Behrupiya

An absolute riot on stage! Piya Behrupiya opened to a packed Kamani auditorium, there were even rumors of tickets being oversold (turns out it was only a rumor). The bards Twelfth Night is quite the riot by itself, now add to that a brilliant translation in Hindi, fabulous music, strong acting and amazing voices! The characters are all adapted to be Indian, retaining the original names and cities. Almost every second dialogue had the audience in splits.

The play first opened in the UK and has travelled to Singapore and various cities in India. They are looking forward to performing in China. And they plan to have subtitles, translating an already translated play into a different English version! That should be fun!

Talking to the Bard from Dilli

On Theatre
Ive been around for 25 years now. This is simply what I do. Theatre is NOT a niche category by any means, not at all. Maybe if one talks about contemporary modern Indian Theatre, perhaps so. But theatre as I know it has existed and flourished for centuries in our country.

For me this is the high, a packed house thoroughly enjoying the show. But META is definitely doing a great job, especially for the young guns foraying into the theatre scene. In the last decade or so, Ive seen so many young people taking the stage seriously and so many theatre companies have sprung up, all doing great work

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