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Event Info

Tuesday | 28 March 2023 | 06:00 PM
Shri Ram Centre
1 hr
  • Language: English
  • City / State: Delhi
  • Directed By: Savita Rani
  • Produced By: Serendipity Arts Foundation & Savita Rani

Notion(s): In Between You & Me


This play is performed through episodes which are interconnected in very subtle ways such that the threads between each episode reveal the timeline of the performance.


Ms. Savita Rani (Director/performer/playwright)


Mr. Vipin Bhardwaj (Lights operation)
Mr. Ajeet Kumar Sharma (Sound operation)

Notion(s) as a concept emerged from the efforts to understand the socio-political situations occurring all around the world. We are connected to the world through our defined identities and keep using all kinds of notions to defend, save and amplify these identities influenced by the socio-economic power equations based on religion, region, caste, gender, complexion, race, nationality, colour, body structure etc. Therefore, notions are a very important aspect of the power structure that prevents us from questioning or interrogating the contemporary functionality of notions within us.
Notions like purity, superiority, strength and power are getting traded in this business run by our respective societies, making it extremely difficult to address them as they are intangible. Can we see them? Can we figure them out? Can we stop them?